Thursday Evenings

Throughout the semester, we gather every Thursday evening at 18:30 for a time before the official start to eat dinner together. At the official start time of 19:30 we come together for a meaningful evening filled with worship, inputs, and most importantly – fellowship.
Our meeting locations this semester will be mainly in the Bistro of the Catholic Church in Rotmonten, however sometimes we will meet at HSG itself or at Steinbock, so be sure check where you need to be. 
The location for the week will usually be announced on Sunday in our WhatsApp group, on Instagram and on the SHSG app/website. If you would like to have some more information, please don't hesitate to write us an e-mail.

This semester's theme is 'Back to the Roots' where we will be diving into our Faith, its foundations and how we can build our relationship with Jesus continuously. 

Can't wait to see you there!